We Make Green Easy™
NBL® laminates provide the custom woodworker with superior flexibility and performance when compared to other wood-backed products. NBL®’s patented 3-ply construction produces an extremely pliable, moisture-resistant sheet without the black edge associated with phenolic and foil backers. Minor substrate imperfections are “absorbed” and hidden by NBL®’s thermo-set joined face and parallel grain, all-wood-backer. Ease of application and over 100 different species and cuts make NBL® wood-on-wood laminate the proven choice for trouble-free projects.
Information provided is based on 4’ x 8’ sheet
Nearly all other species can be drop shipped by UPS to you within 3 days.
Maple Grove, MN 55369 Phone: 800-351-9293
Jackson, WI 53037 Phone: 262-677-5200
Sioux Falls, SD 57104 Phone: 605-336-3588
Omaha, NE Phone: 402-597-8822
Glendale Heights, IL 60139 Phone: 800-664-9322
Elkhart, IN 46514 Phone: 800-664-9322